Management Operating System (MOS)

Developing the structure needed to improve

An ideal MOS is a structure that helps you choose top opportunities to work on and then helps you realize these opportunities as quickly as possible. There are five core components to any successful MOS:

  • Identification

  • Prioritization

  • Resource Management

  • Improvement Tools

  • Organizational Behavior

Understanding your current MOS maturity

It is essential to know where you currently fit in terms of your MOS maturity. Knowing this information helps shape your next steps towards improving to a more mature state. The graphic below shows four stages of maturity. Each stage lays out four characteristics that will help you assess where your organization lies on the curve.

Organizations that achieve the highest stage of improvement (step change breakthroughs) will be the future leaders with market share, profitability, and employee satisfaction.

Understand where your organization fits

A common problem we run into when implementing or improving a Management Operating System is a lack of alignment on strengths, weaknesses, and areas to focus on. To improve this alignment, we’ve developed a short MOS quiz for leaders to understand their organizational capabilities for the five critical components of a successful Management Operating System.

Infographic for the 4 stages of Management Operating System (MOS) maturity and their corresponding pace of improvement: Fighting Fires, Treading Water, Incrementally Improving, Step Change Breakthrough

Take a short quiz now to identify your MOS strengths and weaknesses!

Taking your MOS next steps

Now that you've seen how you compare, what are the next steps you could take? Stroud offers a variety of ways to help companies improve their Management Operating Systems. These range in commitment and scope from a one-week introductory workshop to an organization-wide MOS development and implementation. Some of the options we offer are listed below:

  • Week-long workshop on the why, how, and what of a Management Operating System

  • Week-long alignment audit with the leadership team to better understand MOS maturity and ways to improve

  • Four to six week MOS discovery and analysis for current facilities

  • Facility, Regional, or National MOS creation and rollout (timeframe flexible based on organization size)

Excited to make some breakthroughs?